[04-Jan-2025 09:07:06 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "ABSPATH" in /home/cdgcgpbh/ceclnow.com/wp-content/plugins/thrive-visual-editor/thrive-dashboard/inc/app-notification/classes/DbMigration.php:2 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/cdgcgpbh/ceclnow.com/wp-content/plugins/thrive-visual-editor/thrive-dashboard/inc/app-notification/classes/DbMigration.php on line 2 Our Privacy Policy | CECL Now

Our Privacy Policy

We Take Your Data Privacy Very Seriously

Privacy And How We Treat Your Data

Data on Our Web Site

What Data Does CECLNow Collect?

On our web site we only collect and retain data that allows you to sign in to your account and comment on our site.

Does CECLNow Acquire Any 3rd Party Data?

Again a simple answer:  No. We do not acquire any data from others to append to any data you provide. Your data is an island.

Does CECLNow Ever Share Your Data?

This is simple:  Your data has never been shared with any third parties nor will we ever share your data with third parties.

How Can I Obtain a Copy of the Data CECLNow Holds?

Simply send us an email from the contact page and we will provide you with a copy of all data we have in our records. Please include your name and email address in your request.

Your Customer Data You Share With Us

How Does CECLNow Store Data?

First and foremost we ask that all data files you share with us for purposes of building CECL forecasts are completely depersonalized. This means that there is no way for the data to be associated to your customers.

Where does CECLNow Store Data?

All client data is stored at a major cloud provider. Depending on how files are transmitted to us data may reside briefly on local servers until it is removed and loaded on to the cloud service. Virtually all files should be sent directly to our site on the cloud provider. 

Does CECLNow Use Encryptioni?

Again a simple answer:  Yes. All data is encrypted at the cloud provider.

Who can access client data?

All data is password protected. You are able to access your and only your data and CECL forecasts via the presentation tools. CECLNow staff are able to access the depersonalized data files for purposes of performing data quality checks, loading and processing of data, preparation of CECL forecasts, and preparation of reports and the presentation tools.

Does CECLNow Ever Share Your Data?

This is simple:  Your customer data is always depersonalized and cannot be associated with any individual. The data may be pooled in creating more robust CECL forecasts but the raw data will never be shared with any other clients. Occasionally we may share a random sample of data with academic researchers for purposes of improving CECL forecasting techniques and general CECL research.

Ready for Action?

Meet all your CECL and regulatory compliance requirements and start down the road to gain insights into your business, improve strategies and tactics, and boost overall profits by contacting us now.